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Get Organized
To read additional reviews on these items or for pricing information, just click on any book cover or the handy links provided. There's no obligation to buy. Please enjoy my personal comments below.
Organizing from the Inside Out: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life, by Julie Morgenstern (1998, Owl Books), paperback, 262 p.
Currently reading this book. Check back to read my review.
Sink Reflections: FlyLady's BabyStep Guide to Overcoming CHAOS, by Marla Cilley (2002, FlyLady Press), paperback, 207 p.
"Are YOU living in CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)?" This caption caught my attention, and I am currently reading this book. So far, I must it an enthusiastic "thumbs-up!" The premise is simple, but effective--start with a night-time routine of cleaning your kitchen sink. There's more, so check back to read the full review when I've finished reading this book. For more information, you can also visit the author's website.
Messie No More, by Sandra Felton (1989, Fleming H. Revell), paperback, 186p.
I picked up this book expecting tips on organizing my home, and found a new way to think about how my personality, past, and preferences affect the way I manage the paper and people in my life. I underlined passages on almost every page--this is a definite must-have book for anyone wanting a deeper understanding about themselves in their battle against clutter and chaos.
Sidetracked Home Executives: From Pigpen to Paradise, by Pam Jones and Peggy Young (1983, Warner Books), paperback, 157p.
Now in a reissue edition, this humorous book is PACKED with good organizational instructions. I especially liked the filing system these two sisters recommend, which I've used successfully for over ten years. Some of their card-file suggestions get too detailed for unstructured people like me, but overall, this book gave me courage to tackle the papers and files in my life. It's a valuable and encouraging resource.
Time Management for the Creative Person, by Lee T. Silber (1998, Three Rivers Press), paperback, 224p.
This new release featured in Writer's Digest Book Club is a treasure trove of advice, insight, and inspirational quotes to help us creative people get moving again. I found this book a delight. It's not your ordinary time management book, and once again, I found lots of things to underline that hit home. Great gift idea!
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Kimn Swenson Gollnick
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Updated March 28, 2002
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