We will remember.

Kimn's Beanie Baby Collection 

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Hoofer the clydesdale
Marching proudly, stepping high
People wave as I walk by
Parades are so much fun for me
There's just no place I'd rather be!
Lightning the horse
I love to run across the plains
So get a good grip on the reins
We'll go so fast, we'll almost fly
And watch the world go zooming by!
Teddy 100th Year Anniversary Bear
I can't believe it's been so long
One hundred years have come and gone
But through it all I have stayed true
The cuddly bear you always knew!
1997 Holiday Teddy Bear
Beanie Babies are special no doubt
All filled with love - inside and out
Wishes for fun times filled with joy
Ty's holiday teddy is a magical toy!
1998 Holiday Teddy Bear
Dressed in his PJ's, and ready for bed
Hugs given, good nights said
This little Beanie will stay close at night
Ready for a hug at first morning light!
1999 Holiday Teddy Bear
Peace on Earth as the holidays grow near
The season is all about giving good cheer
With love and joy in your hearts
Let's all be friends as the century starts!
1999 Signature Bear
2000 Holiday Teddy
When you're tucked in bed tonight
Hug Holiday Teddy really tight
He'll bring you much joy and cheer
and lots of love throughout the year!
2000 Signature Bear
2001 Holiday Teddy
This year has flown by very fast
It's hard to believe 2001 has passed
Time to look forward to a brand new year
We hope it brings you joy and cheer!
2001 Signature Bear
Blackie the bear
Living in a national park
He only played after dark
Then he met his friend Cubbie
Now they play when it's sunny!
Cashew the bear
I like to swim and climb in trees
I like to visit with the bees
But what I really want to do
Is be your friend and play with you!
Celebrate the 15 year anniversary bear
I'm the 15th birthday bear
With a wish I'd like to share
Many more years full of fun
Let's keep Ty #1!
Cheery the sunshine bear
If you're feeling sad and blue
Cheery wants to be with you
Hug him and he'll make you smile
You'll feel better in a while!
Classy the People's Beanie
I'm proud to be the Beanie you chose
I know for sure my happiness shows
Thanks so much for creating me
It's great to be the People's Beanie!
Cubbie the bear
Cubbie used to eat crackers and honey
And what happened to him was funny
He was stung by fourteen bees
Now Cubbie eats broccoli and cheese!
Curly the bear
A bear so cute with hair that's Curly
You will love and want him surely
To this bear always be true
He will be a friend to you!
Darling the dog
How cute can a puppy be?
Pick me up and you will see
I'm soft and cuddly, this is true
Won't you take me home with you?
Derby (coarse mane with star) the horse
All the other horses used to tattle
Because Derby never wore his saddle
He left the stables, and the horses too
Just so Derby can be with you!
Derby (coarse mane) the horse
All the other horses used to tattle
Because Derby never wore his saddle
He left the stables, and the horses too
Just so Derby can be with you!
Derby (fine mane) the horse
All the horses used to tattle
Because Derby never wore his saddle
He left the stables, and the horses too
Just so Derby can be with you!
Derby (fluffy mane with star) the horse
All the other horses used to tattle
Because Derby never wore his saddle
He left the stables, and the horses too
Just so Derby can be with you!
Fleece the lamb
Fleece would like to sing a lullaby
But please be patient, she's rather shy
When you sleep, keep her by your ear
Her song will leave you nothing to fear.
Fuzz the bear
Look closely at this handsome bear
His texture is really quite rare.
With golden highlights in his hair
He has class, style and flair!
GiGi the poodle
Prancing and dancing all down the street
Thinking her hairdo is oh so neat
Always so careful in the wind and rain
She's a dog that is anything but plain!
Gobbles the turkey
Gobbles the turkey loves to eat
Once a year she has a feast
I have a secret I'd like to divulge
If she eats too much her tummy will bulge!
Groovy the ty-dye bear
Wearing colors of the rainbow
Making good friends wherever I go
Take me with you, don't let me stay
I need your love all night and day!
Huggy the bear
I'd love to be your special friend
I'll stick right by you to the end
So hold me close next to your heart
And from your side I'll never part!
Jabber the parrot
Teaching Jabber to move his beak
A large vocabulary he now can speak
Jabber will repeat what you say
Teach him a new word everyday!
Kirby the terrier
Prancing on the icy snow
I put on quite a funny show
Slipping and sliding all around
I hope my paws stay on the ground!
KuKu the cockatoo
This fancy bird loves to converse
He talks in poems, rhythms and verse
So take him home and give him some time
You'll be surprised how he can rhyme!
Mac the cardinal
Mac tries hard to prove he's the best
Swinging his bat harder than the rest
Breaking records, enjoying the game
Hitting home runs is his claim to fame!
Mel the koala
How do you name a Koala bear?
It's rather tough, I do declare!
It confuses me, I get into a funk
I'll name him Mel after my favorite hunk!
Millennium the bear
A brand new century has come to call
Health and happiness to one and all
Bring on the fireworks and all the fun
Let's keep the party going 'til 2001!
Oats the horse
Hop on my back, we'll have a ball
Just hold on tight, so you won't fall
Over hills and trails we'll go
I won't stop 'till you say "whoa!"
Princess the bear
Like an angel, she came from heaven above
She shared her compassion, her pain, her love
She only stayed with us long enough to teach
The world to share, to give, to reach.
Puffer the puffin
What in the world does a puffin do?
We're sure that you would like to know too
We asked Puffer how she spends her days
Before she answered, she flew away!
Rescue the dog
To honor our heroes
who lost their lives in the
national catastrophe that
took place on September 11, 2001.
We mourn for them and express our
deepest sympathy to their families.
God Bless America
Ringo the raccoon
Ringo hides behind his mask
He will come out, if you should ask
He loves to chitter. He loves to chatter
Just about anything, it doesn't matter!
Rocket the blue jay
Rocket is the fastest blue jay ever
He flies in all sorts of weather
Aerial tricks are his specialty
He's so entertaining for you and me!
Scottie the terrier
Scottie is a friendly sort
Even though his legs are short
He is always happy as can be
His best friends are you and me!
Seaweed the otter
Seaweed is what she likes to eat
It's supposed to be a delicious treat
Have you tried a treat from the water
If you haven't, maybe you "otter"!
Sly the fox
Sly is a fox and tricky is he
Please don't chase him, let him be
If you want him, just say when
He'll peek out from his den!
Soar the eagle (Internet Exclusive)
The symbol of freedom soaring high
The eagle glides across the sky
He's proud to wear red, white and blue
He's patriotic through and through!
Speckles the e-Beanie
Surfing on the Internet
I think of friends I've never met
They're 'round the world both near and far
I hope they know how dear they are!
Spunky the cocker spaniel
Bouncing around without much grace
To jump on your lap and lick your face
But watch him closely he has no fears
He'll run so fast he'll trip over his ears
Stinky the skunk
Deep in the woods he lived in a cave
Perfume and mints were the gifts he gave
He showered every night in the kitchen sink
Hoping one day he wouldn't stink!
The Beginning bear
Beanie Babies can never end
They'll always be our special friends
Start the fun because we're here
To bring you hope, love and cheer!
The End bear
All good things come to an end
It's been fun for everyone
Peace and hope are never gone
Love you all and say, "So long!"
Tuffy the terrier
Taking off with a thunderous blast
Tuffy rides his motorcycle fast
The Beanies roll with laughs and squeals
He never took off his training wheels!
Ty 2K the bear
Red, yellow, green and blue
Let's have some fun me and you
So join the party, and let's all say
"Happy New Millennium" from Ty 2K!
Valentina the bear
Flowers, candy and hearts galore
Sweet words of love for those you adore
With this bear comes love that's true
On Valentine's Day and all year through!
Wallace the bear
Castles rise from misty glens
Shielding bands of warrior men
Wearing tartan of their clan
Red, green and a little tan!
Zero the holiday penguin
Penguins love the ice and snow
Playing in weather twenty below
Antarctica is where I love to be
Splashing in the cold, cold sea!
Zip the cat
Keep Zip by your side all the day through
Zip is good luck, you'll see it's true
When you have something you need to do
Zip will always believe in you!
Harry the bear
"Your hair's too long!" some people say
"You should get it cut today!"
But I like it this way, you see
It's the thing that makes me, me!

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Updated August 8, 2002
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